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「本周顶刊」 宏基因组学与环境微生物的交汇点


  1. 微生物与宿主的代谢对话

    • Nature Microbiology | 2024-02-05
      Host–microbe metabolic dialogue
      Metabolomics and feeding experiments demonstrate the host’s active role in sharing organic acids with a gut microbiota member, revealing host–microbe interactions that foster symbiosis.
  2. 微生物组数据的自动化和可扩展分类

  3. 环境微生物对健康的影响


  1. Nature Microbiology | 2024-02-05
    Predictions of rhizosphere microbiome dynamics with a genome-informed and trait-based energy budget model
    摘要: A trait-based approach harnesses microbial genomic data, predicting soil microbial ecology and physiology without the need for cultures.
    点评: 这篇文章对于理解土壤微生物的生态和生理学非常重要,尤其是在不需要培养的情况下,这对于环境微生物学研究具有划时代的意义。

  2. Nature Biotechnology | 2024-02-01
    A new mass analyzer shakes up the proteomics field
    摘要: A new mass analyzer enables protein identification at high speed and depth, which could revolutionize proteomics.
    点评: 这项技术的发展可能会极大地推动蛋白质组学的研究,特别是在宏基因组学中,对蛋白质快速鉴定的需求日益增长。

  3. Nature | 2024-02-01
    This AI learnt language by seeing the world through a baby’s eyes
    摘要: A neural network that taught itself to recognize objects using the filmed experiences of a single infant could offer new insights into how humans learn.
    点评: 虽然这篇文章不直接关联宏基因组学或环境微生物,但它展示了人工智能在模式识别和学习方面的潜力,这对生物信息学领域的发展至关重要。




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